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Southam’s Workhouse

Cardall's Corner - June 2018 - By Linda Doyle

Today, Southam’s Primary School stands where once stood Southam’s solemn and imposing Victorian workhouse (see photograph from 1910). It was a domineering place built in 1837 on Welsh Road West, then called Workhouse Road. The enclosure of land at Southam in 1761 brought to a head the need to provide for the poor …

2023-01-13T15:17:31+00:00June 4th, 2018|Cardall's Corner, Places|8 Comments

Southam’s Rectory

Cardall's Corner - May 2018 - By Linda Doyle

Over the years Southam town centre has had many changes, but one of the more dramatic was when the old Southam Rectory (see picture) was pulled down in the 1960s to make way for a new library, police station and magistrate’s court. ...

2019-01-05T15:58:29+00:00May 16th, 2018|Cardall's Corner, Places|0 Comments

Henry Lilley Smith

Cardall's Corner - April 2018 - By Pam McConnell

The 13th April this year marks the 200th anniversary of a meeting held at the Craven Arms Inn that established Southam’s Eye and Ear Infirmary in Warwick Road. In the days before the NHS, all medical treatment had to be paid for, and this Infirmary in Southam was the first of its ...

2021-06-14T14:57:22+01:00April 4th, 2018|Cardall's Corner, People, Places|0 Comments

WW1 Southam’s Canadian Connection

Cardall's Corner - March 2018 - By Val Brodie

The story of the Bull family of Daventry Street is a complex, courageous and tragic one. Sadly in 1903 Ada Bull, died and her husband George, a baker, was left with four youngsters to bring up: Ida (15), Nellie (13), George (10) and John (8). George senior took the bold step of moving the whole family to Canada. ...

2020-05-23T18:22:01+01:00March 7th, 2018|Cardall's Corner, Memories, People, WW1|3 Comments

The Hunting Season

CARDALLS CORNER - February 2018 - by Linda Doyle

The Great War changed the British way of life by starting to narrow the class divisions between the rich and poor. Previously, a year was not only divided into four weather seasons, but by social and lifestyle ‘seasons’ as well. One such season was the fox hunting season during the autumn and winter months. [...]

2020-05-23T18:36:31+01:00February 6th, 2018|Cardall's Corner|0 Comments

All our Yesterdays

CARDALLS CORNER - January 2018 - by Chris Holding and Pam McConnell

Our new exhibition titled ‘All Our Yesterdays’ opens on Tuesday 9th January and will be available to view on Tuesday and Saturday mornings (10am to 12 noon) at Vivian House, Market Hill, until the end of April. To begin this New Year we are going ‘back to basics’ by creating a display featuring some of the [...]

2020-05-23T18:36:53+01:00January 8th, 2018|Cardall's Corner|0 Comments

Southam Coat of Arms

CARDALLS CORNER - December 2017 - by Bill Pease

The arms and crest of Southam are familiar but how many of us know their origins and meaning? They were granted by the College of Arms to Southam Rural District Council on 19th May 1959. The red and silver of the shield are the basic colours of the arms of both Warwickshire County Council and [...]

2020-06-03T17:48:31+01:00December 10th, 2017|Cardall's Corner, Places|1 Comment

The Merestone

CARDALLS CORNER - November 2017 - by Helen Morris and Len Gale

In the year 998 Aethelred (the Unready) gave some land which included Southam to Leofwine, the father of Earl Leofric of Coventry whose wife was the famous Lady Godiva. The description of the land still exists written in Old English in a Charter. The boundaries of Southam were carefully marked and remembered through the custom [...]

2020-05-23T19:37:59+01:00November 14th, 2017|Cardall's Corner, Places|0 Comments

Mop Fairs

Cardalls Corner - October 2017 By Jenny Frith

Mop or Hiring Fairs started when, in 1351, Edward III passed the Statute of Labourers to regulate the labour market after the Black Death had resulted in dire shortages of labourers. They were held in the Autumn on or near Michaelmas Day in bustling Market Towns which had many nearby villages to attract both employers and employees. [...]

2017-10-25T19:34:02+01:00October 25th, 2017|Cardall's Corner|1 Comment


CARDALL’S CORNER - September 2017 - By Linda Doyle

Last year was the 140th anniversary of Ladbroke village school being built which corresponds with the Victorian requirement to make education something that all parents were obliged to provide for their children. Whatever their standing in life education was now compulsory, plus it had to be paid for! This was not exactly welcomed as it took away [...}

2020-05-23T19:38:48+01:00October 24th, 2017|Cardall's Corner|0 Comments

I’ve got some more barrels for you

CARDALL's CORNER - August 2017 by Alan Griffin

Walking the turnpike road towards Fenny Compton on a hot August morning in 1848, James Read pondered some remarks addressed to him months earlier following a case at Southam Magistrates’ Court. The phrase ‘Somebody should pay dear for this’ had stuck in his memory. Read was the Southam Division sergeant in the Knightlow Hundred Police Force and in [...]

2020-05-23T19:39:27+01:00August 5th, 2017|Cardall's Corner, Memories|0 Comments
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