Southam’s 19th Century Dairy Industry

Cardall's Corner - April 2019 - by Linda Doyle

You don’t have to be a farmer to know that the better bred the cow, the better the profit. Enclosure allowed for the segregation of small herds, enabling farmers to undertake breeding selection. At the turn of the 19th century, landowners and farmers were beginning to take advantage of Southam’s central position on the drover’s …

2020-05-23T18:28:11+01:00April 5th, 2019|Cardall's Corner|0 Comments

Speed Records

Cardall's Corner - March 2019 - Bernard Cadogan

Speeding vehicles on our roads is a problem that we are all aware of, and most of us will know of someone who has been ‘caught speeding’. With two of the country’s leading car manufacturers, Jaguar and Aston Martin Lagonda, having facilities within seven miles …

2020-05-23T18:21:17+01:00March 3rd, 2019|Cardall's Corner, Memories, People|0 Comments

Joseph Arch

Cardall's Corner - February 2019 - Pam McConnell

In February 1872 a meeting of farm labourers was held at Wellesbourne, Warwickshire. The meeting had been called to address the problems of the rural working poor. About 30 people were expected, but over 2,000 turned up, and this meeting led to the foundation of the National Agricultural Labourers Union …

2020-05-23T18:28:47+01:00February 23rd, 2019|Cardall's Corner, People|0 Comments

Southam Fire Brigade

Cardall's Corner - January 2019 - by Linda Doyle

An old adage describes fire as being a good servant but a bad master: fire provides basic needs for life, but can also destroy in an instant. Today the risk of fire is less than it was when houses had open fires and thatched roofs - sparks could cause disastrous …

2020-05-23T18:29:26+01:00January 5th, 2019|Cardall's Corner, People|0 Comments

The Great Storm of 1703

Cardall's Corner - December 2018 - by Jill Prime

‘The Great Storm of 1703’ was of unusual, tremendous ferocity, probably passing in intensity all the storms ever known in Great Britain. It was the most terrifying and catastrophic storm ever recorded here. During the night of 26th-27th November 1703, widespread devastation was caused to many parts of the Midlands, East Anglia …

2020-05-23T18:32:02+01:00December 2nd, 2018|Cardall's Corner, Memories|0 Comments

WW1 Commemorations

Cardall's Corner - November 2018 - by Val Brodie

As a hundred years passes since the ending of the desperate war of 1914-1918, details continue to emerge in Southam of the men who died, who served and of what was done to assist the wounded here on the home front. This photograph was recently donated to Southam Heritage Collection. Southam people raised money ...

2020-05-23T18:32:34+01:00November 7th, 2018|Cardall's Corner, People, WW1|0 Comments

WW1 Centenary Archive

Cardall's Corner - September 2018 - by Val Brodie

People in Britain, across Europe and around the world are commemorating the tragedy that was WWI. As Armistice Day approaches in November, at Southam Heritage Collection we are continuing to develop the Centenary Archive, a permanent record for future generations of ...

2020-05-23T18:34:17+01:00September 1st, 2018|Cardall's Corner, Memories, WW1|0 Comments

Wills, Probate and Edward Tomes

Cardall's Corner - August 2018 - by Linda Doyle

Old Wills and probate make incredibly interesting reading when researching families and local places. Admittedly they will only be found for those of means, but for the more lowly of us, if we know who an ancestor worked for, then they are sometimes named in their employer’s Will as a beneficiary. The …

2020-05-23T18:34:51+01:00August 5th, 2018|Cardall's Corner, People|1 Comment

Farming, Cement, Wine & Hats

Cardall's Corner - July 2018 - By Linda Doyle

William Griffin (1791 -1861) was one of a large family of Griffins who lived near Southam and was a tenant farmer of mixed arable land and pasture at Stockton Fields. His family had been farmers in Fenny Compton before 1660 and had moved via Farnborough and Avon Dassett to Stockton in the early 19th century and there they stayed ...

2020-05-23T18:35:21+01:00July 4th, 2018|Cardall's Corner, People|0 Comments
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