The Blacksmith and Farrier
Cardall's Corner - June 2020 - Linda Doyle
The name ‘Smith’ originates from the old English word ’smythe’ meaning ‘to strike’ and is a person who works with any metal - ‘blacksmith’ being one who ...
Cardall's Corner - June 2020 - Linda Doyle
The name ‘Smith’ originates from the old English word ’smythe’ meaning ‘to strike’ and is a person who works with any metal - ‘blacksmith’ being one who ...
Cardalls Corner - May 2020 - Linda Doyle
The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic has been described as the deadliest in history. It infected about a third of the world’s population and an estimated 20 to 50 million people ...
Cardall's Corner - April 2020 - Linda Doyle
On 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of WW2 and life began to return to normal ...
Cardall's Corner - Mar 2020 - Linda Doyle
When John Charles Oldham finished his 7 year apprenticeship to William Wilkes of Stratford-on-Avon, he settled in Southam to live and work as a clockmaker. Perhaps he was ...
Cardall's Corner - Feb 2020 - Bransby Thomas
In 1227 the Prior of Coventry obtained a statute allowing Southam a weekly market, thereby giving it Town status. Because of its market town status, Southam was chosen ...
Cardalls Corner - Jan 2020 - Bernard Cadogan
Southam has been around as a town, village and community for a very long time, in fact longer than many places in the country including some of our major ...
Cardall's Corner - Dec 2019 - Linda Doyle
The workhouse was the last place anyone wanted to be, whatever time of year, but especially so at Christmas. Whilst the poorest people could survive during ...
Cardalls Corner - Nov 2019 - Lions: Derrick, Jim and John
Many of you will be aware of the Lions presence and activities in the town, but for those who aren’t aware: who are Southam Lions? ...
Cardall's Corner - October 2019 - Linda Doyle
Over the last couple of years, a group of Warwickshire enthusiasts have been translating 17th century Civil War Parliamentary loss account documents. The Southam group has been ...
Cardall's Corner - September 2019 - Rowan Parker
On August Bank Holiday in 1939 our family were sitting on the beach at Bognor Regis enjoying the sea, sand and sunshine. Suddenly the quiet ...
Cardall's Corner - August 2019 - Linda Doyle
After Britain declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939, it was announced that ‘National Registration Day’ would be on 29th September. This ...
Cardall's Corner - July 2019 - Linda Doyle
Even today, in this technology-dominated age, children are still encouraged to read books, and for many of us books were a big part of our childhood experience. As a 1950s child, I ...