A Victorian Summer Holiday in Rhyl – 1874

CARDALL’S CORNER - July 2016 By Val Brodie

The Journal of Annie Eliza Bull - July 1874

In Annie Bull’s day, the journey time from Marton to Rhyl was six hours. Travelling with friends in a group including children, her train trip (change at Rugby, Crewe and Chester) was an adventure for a young single woman, in her early twenties. She wrote a journal each day and a copy [...]

2020-06-03T17:30:19+01:00July 18th, 2016|Cardall's Corner, Memories, People|3 Comments

Southam’s Department Store

CARDALL’S CORNER - February 2016 By Linda Doyle

I’m sure most of you will have heard about, or seen, the TV series ‘Mr Selfridge’ and what is implied as his ‘new invention’ of a London department store at the turn of the 20th Century. Perhaps what isn’t realised is that department stores were already very much ‘in fashion’ by then, and Southam had [...]

2020-06-03T17:39:51+01:00February 18th, 2016|Cardall's Corner, People|0 Comments

Dances and Celebrations

CARDALL’S CORNER - January 2016 By Helen Morris

There have always been memorable shows and dances to entertain the people of Southam, and some residents have had their reminiscences recorded by Southam Heritage Collection. Doreen Smith remembered that her father, Clement Smith, the Midland Bank manager after WW2, started a youth club called ‘The Sparklets’ based at the Old Court House (now the [...]

2020-06-03T17:26:20+01:00January 18th, 2016|Cardall's Corner, People|0 Comments
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